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    Music controversies are inherently hilarious to me because they amount to a group of people fighting over whatever the artist's "true intentions" were. Sure, the people against the artist say "it's not about the intentions, it's about the type of effect it has" and the people for the artist say "it's not about the

    I've always heard that part of Weezer's decline is that post-Sharp, all the bass lines just follow the guitar, whereas with Sharp in the band, the bass always had its own thing going on that worked with the song. Cuomo definitely wrote the lyrics and melodies to all those early songs, but I'm guessing he gave the

    Baths was mentioned as well.

    Phil's bits of wisdom:
    "There's no 'done' in "Dunphy!"
    "There's no 'umph' in Dunphy… okay, I hear it, but it's a different spelling!"
    "There's no 'fee' in Dunphy!"

    My high school team always recruited one guy from the soccer team to be our kicker, but most people could put it through the uprights on an extra-point kick. Also, Manny was their backup kicker because the main kicker was busy trying to beat up Luke.

    That pun was in the article, dude. Have you been taking molloy or something?

    Andy is a baby capable of seeing into a parallel dimension; the show will take place from his point of view.

    I appreciated Danny getting distracted as her boobs swelled, because that is what would happen. Yes, we intellectually know that the boobs are not actually getting bigger, but there's some small piece of lizard brain wedged in there somewhere that's just shouting "something amazing is happening!"

    I'm holding out for Holt dressed like Eddie Murphy in Beverly Hills Cop.

    "Oh, that's right. People are dying here."

    How would a typewriter be capable of passing soap? Would it involve the return-slide mechanism?

    I really like this show, but wish that some of its action sequences were not set in generic shipping yards. Maybe it's a deliberate reference to old cop shows? But probably they just don't have a big budget.

    It's been established that their coffee-making abilities are the only thing that keeps them on the force.

    It's perfect that Mindy's plan to seduce the lawyer guy apparently involves 3 wardrobe changes.

    Today's was particularly dire. Where did they find 50 people to laugh at the "your husband, he black" line? And how the hell is a show as laid-back about these issues as B99 going to interest an audience that still finds the concept of interracial marriage inherently hilarious?

    "Boyle's a hero. And so's his butt."

    It's unconscionable that Mother Jones devotes so much time to this issue without drawing attention to the ongoing plight of buggy-whip manufacturers. Enjoy your fancy cars, everyone! Try not to think about all the honest Americans you put out of business every day!

    I don't mind it when I go there, but generally I only go there when there's nothing else around that is open, or when I'm eating with my grandparents and they don't want to go to Red Lobster. The first time I went out with my high school girlfriend's family, they went to Olive Garden, and she told me that it was the

    Shoved into an oak barrel and stored in a warehouse.

    I have a feeling they've already made the budget back by licensing items like the one in this NewsWire.