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    If that happens I will buy you a beer!

    It's important to remember that it's not only unrealistic to expect every line to be perfectly iambic, it's also undesirable. The best poets generally use the iambic pentameter line as a sort of baseline expectation that they alternately defy and follow, often using the content of the lines to guide their process.

    HEY! Get that free verse crap outta here!

    Clearly telling inappropriate sex-related stories to children is something that Marshall turns into a weird, warped tradition for this group of friends.

    Obviously he should have met the mother in the pilot, and then CBS wouldn't have to order the show to series. But they TRICKED us! Every single episode in the series has been listed on DirectTV as "How I Met Your Mother," but he doesn't meet her in ANY of them!

    You might think it strange that he doesn't use ointment
    But Cleveland sports fans are used to disappointment.

    Carter Bays and Craig Thomas, set THOSE words in plaster!

    It's a rehearsal dinner; they're already drunk.

    That's not how we do this, don't complete your own rhyme!

    Most awkward slant-rhymes:

    He is a man… made out of knives. And when all you have is a knife, all your problems start to look like sticks of butter. Knifeman.

    We can't all come up with terms as romantic as Boner Time.

    Based on his first comment on this page, it's pretty obvious he's Barney Stinson.

    In related news, Pam Ferris is going around to starving people and giving them giant chocolate cakes. Then she forces them to eat the whole thing in front of their entire village.

    Technically, that was Lancel. And he was totally sympathetic- who hasn't killed their cousin's husband in the hopes that they would be able to fuck her more often?

    I've never heard an interview with anyone who worked with Tom Cruise where the interviewee didn't praise Cruise's attitude, his behavior to everyone on the set, and his dedication to making the movie as good as it could possibly be. People seem to go out of their way to mention it.

    So were there any jokes about how Hutcherson is obviously only here because Jennifer Lawrence was busy?

    I'd have to go with the last two solos from "Ball and Biscuit," but I can totally understand "Black Math."

    I was going to say "Little Wing," but then I realized that I was thinking of Stevie Ray Vaughn's cover. Still worth mentioning, as it's the only cover of Hendrix I can think of that beats out the original.

    I kept on scrolling down and scrolling down, because I knew someone had to have mentioned Geek USA already. Glad to see you guys didn't let me down.