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    8 hours to film and 5 hours to edit?

    And a w. I always transcribe the pronunciation as "sowrry."

    On the laptop, not the internet. It's a very specific fetish.

    A-. It was headed to B land, but then Schmidt got hit with a car and Nick got trapped in the Apartment of Pet Owner Hookups.

    The way Damon Wayans Jr. can shift between "baller at the club" and "self-conscious, slightly nerdy guy" on a dime is amazing. They need to get Coach on the show permanently.

    I thought the way they staged it was funny and surprising. You think they're going to do a wacky, over-the-top gag (which would be lame), but then you get the butt tap and it devolves into the typical New Girl bickering, and you think the scene is looking for a sufficiently funny line to end on, and then the siren

    Best lines:

    Stop being so lazy, Chapman. You've been dead for almost 25 years now, you can take a few days off to make a fucking movie or something.

    I still have a Genesis, and when I saw that Pier Solar video, I immediately googled the name to see how I could buy it on a Genesis cartridge. I would not be nearly as interested if that were impossible. I mean, if you're not putting it out on Genesis, why limit yourself to the console's specs in the first place?

    I actually meant that Marshall's career choices have generally had the long-term goal of making the world a better place- I completely forgot about how he was going to have some effect on the world in the future.

    Alt-rock is a much more appropriate outlet than rap for your emotions if you're angsty and rich.


    Fair enough. I mostly pinpoint Season 5 because it's the first time there's not much of a change between where the characters were at in Season 4 and where they begin Season 5, and it's where the show doubled down on giving JD a girlfriend-of-the-week in a show that didn't really need it. There are still some great

    Mouse Rat finally got its own TV show?

    I'm enjoying it, too. I don't really see a huge quality shift between seasons- sure, very little of this show hits the highs of seasons 2-3, and it's improved between last season and this season, but the show has remained well-made throughout. There's no tonal shift as big as post-Larry-David Seinfeld, no dropoff as

    Sounds like someone could use some raspberry body gel and a comfy leather zipper mask.

    Apparently Ranjit moonlights as an assassin for hire.

    FINALLY, a musical scene with NPH and Wayne Brady! Was this the first one they've ever done together on this show?

    "Miraculously" is a bit of a stretch- as far as we know, the sealed-off portals always existed. Introducing an element of the world that we have not previously seen doesn't count as cheating, unless you think the appearance of Yoda in Empire Strikes Back is a similar violation of the rules: "Hey, if you go to this

    Having loyal fans who propagate your show online is a benefit when ratings are low all around- note that very few sponsors seem to have a problem with paying for airtime during Community. The show wasn't going to double its viewers for the finale no matter what, so showing how loyal the existing fanbase already is