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    Wait, it's not a stereotype that all gays have an encyclopedic knowledge of grass types?

    Yes- forget which one's better or worse, what we really need is an episode where Ron Dunn and Ron Swanson are forced together by circumstance and eventually develop a grudging respect for one another.

    Yeah, if the Ark struck a tribe of people with hemmherhoids when that tribe just happened to live next door to the Hebrews, what do you think it would have done to the people who had declared themselves the enemies of the Jews?  Indy should have hidden the bodies and left a note on the Ark in Belloq's handwriting that

    I'm so relieved to know I didn't make up the existence of that author or those books.

    @avclub-0ef740c13f28af1a411710c48e480a9c:disqus  Wait, really?  That's stupid.

    It's a European committee, so the bias is probably more against Jews.

    I can make up names too.  And they'd be a lot more convincing than "Michael Ondaatje."

    I think for me, it's "Black Angus: The Doors Lock From The Outside, F****t!"  Because of the idea that the restaurant would literally not let you leave until you'd eaten all of their terrible food.

    The secret of this tendency in family sitcoms is that

    I thought the baby had gotten ahold of his phone and was mashing buttons.

    I thought adding the Harry Potter-esque elements actually worked really well, albeit in a way that's pretty far removed from regular Fantastic Four.  Also, like everything but Spider-Man in the Ultimate Universe, it eventually turned to complete shit.

    Aw, thanks, @avclub-4890b244b694eb077186da46702d0111:disqus ! It would have bummed me out to get into a fight with Ray Smuckles.

    I will agree that it is exactly as shitty as making fun of high-culture stereotypes on Frasier.  That work for you?

    singular/plural verb form confusion is cool?  Sorry, are cool?

    Jump Around!

    Would 0 charisma make your character incapable of communicating with the outside world at all, or would it have a "Frankenstein's monster effect" where anyone who sees you immediately starts trying to kill you and calling for help?

    Every time I hear someone compare the characters in The Big Bang Theory to anti-Semitic or racist caricatures, I get the overwhelming urge to send Chuck Lorre five dollars.

    Oh no!  You've crossed the humor-association threshold!  If you laugh at three more rape jokes, you'll start thinking that it's funny when you rape people!  This is definitely representative of the way people's minds work regarding rape!

    I'm surprised how much negative flak the show seemed to generate from its title alone.  The premise actually sounded pretty promising to me- a group of divorced men in denial about why their relationships failed, and attempting to give each other advice when their own personal baggage makes them uniquely unqualified

    When I discovered that Rodriguez made Shark Boy and Lava Girl from a story his 5-year-old kid wrote, I briefly stopped worrying about his qualities as a filmmaker, and just reflected that he might be the coolest dad ever.  It probably helped that I never had any intention of going to see the movie, but still- letting