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    Clear and Present Danger was one of my favorite Clancy books growing up, but I don't remember the politics of that one too well, so I'm surprised to hear it's so right wing.  Isn't that the only one where he bothers to imply that someone who works for the CIA might be untrustworthy?  Or that sending them into South

    I thought Clancy's explanation for that was pretty good- are countries really going to start launching nukes because a plane went down over east Germany?  Nukes probably would've been brought into the equation sooner, but having them sitting there as a literal nuclear option to be used by the first country who starts

    Same reason I've always thought The Spirit would be a great costume, though again the bright blue would be difficult to find.


    I like Hyden's Grantland stuff.  His series on bestselling rock bands is one of my favorite things he's done.

    When it's siblings doing the beating up/imparting?  Pretty much.  A younger-sibling beatdown is basically the equivalent of entering a "Print" command into their internal programming.

    So, when it comes to Lemongrab episodes in a given season, you're saying that there should be …

    It was CGI Asian-face, like in Cloud Atlas.

    This message has 18 words in it.  If you start at 18, and keep counting forward, eventually you reach 23!  Eeep!

    There are plenty of times where Skyler is funny, most of them involving Walt Jr.'s desire for a car (also several that involve Saul).  The character is frequently made unlikable by the show, but this isn't really a fault- it's the show's way of making the audience complicit in Walt's behavior.  If we resent Skyler

    Breaking Bad mediocre?  Let us hope it is not true!  But if it is true, let us hope it does not become widely known!

    "I will kill your wife.  I will kill your son.  I will kill your infant daughter."

    Hey, don't make my screenname sound gross.

    Well now that I know Breaking Bad and Homeland are in the same universe and both have Bob Odenkirk, I really need to see Homeland.

    Walter White is surrounded by Vince Gilligan's mother.  In the finale, we will learn that that is what drove him off the deep end.

    Well, I know how my new Breaking Bad fan fiction begins.

    That's what your toes are for.

    How it goes down:  He puts it in her tea.  She figures out something's wrong when she realizes it tastes like Lipton.

    According to the commentaries, he's a method actor.  So he likely instructed his brother-in-law to become a drug lord, and asked his family not to inform him of this until right before this scene was shot.

    Gilligan usually gets credit for writing the first and last episodes of every season.  I wouldn't be surprised if that were entirely his idea.