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    As someone who almost always finds it faster to read than watch a video, I find comments like this baffling?

    Please.  Don't all commenters steal each others' jokes…

    You're using an internet commenting application to express your opinion on a piece of writing.  I did the exact same thing 2 hours ago.  Stop plagiarizing me.

    On the other hand, croissants were invented to anger Muslims, so they're patriotic now.

    Maybe if he used his authentic ancient Egyptian sarcophagus as a place to store his intellectual property, rather than a glorified pussy container, Kanye West wouldn't have to worry about people leaking his album early.  No internet pirate would dare risk the mummy's curse.

    Kristen Wiig was the doctor who was talking about getting her teeth bleached, and later had to break the news to him that he was briefly dead for a few minutes on the operating table.  It was definitely an instance of performance elevating writing- her timing and understated delivery (!) got laughs that weren't in the

    Yeah, Ghost town was really good.  Some solid walk-on roles by Asif Maandvi and Kristen Wiig didn't hurt, either.  And Gervais can really act when he gets material that goes past the observation that people tend to honor the social contract longer than you might expect.

    Or put him in a wheelchair and give him a pink mohawk.

    Man, I wish those books had turned into a series of axe murders.  It's better than Nature giving a young man Stockholm Syndrome.

    Dogsong is my jam!

    @BobbyBrownGoesDown:disqus I don't blame him.

    I have to say, after of hearing the NSA surveillance of U.S. citizens confirmed, thinking about all the indigenous peoples and minorities that were oppressed and eradicated in order for the U.S. to even exist, and considering the fundamental injustices that exist at every level of society, comments like this always

    Like anyone would want to "P' him.

    Yeah, because DeBrie was doing so well before Tobias came along…

    Oh man, I just got that.  I feel stupid now.

    I was picturing a scenario where they're someplace loud, and the conversation is like this:
    "What's your name?"
    "No, GOB!  With a B!"
    "Oh, Joe Withabee! Nice to meet you!"

    @avclub-fddd7938a71db5f81fcc621673ab67b7:disqus "Batman more interesting," "one dimensional," "basically invincible," "no interesting villains"- okay, all I need you to say is something about him being unrelatable, and I'll have Superman Idiot Bingo.

    So the Tobias episode is the one they like, right?  Or did they put on the George episode, look at themselves in the mirror, and say, "Oh my God. This feels right?"

    The title of "Somehow I Manage" showcases a talent on the part of the show's early writing staff to come up with lines for Michael Scott that are inadvertently more truthful than he is capable of realizing while being opposite to his intended meaning.  See also his proposed motto for Dunder Mifflin Infinity, "Infinite

    Though it does remind me of the late-run gag where Dwight asks Oscar, "When two gay men have sex, how do they decide whose penis will open up to accept the other's penis?"