Tad Ghostal

I believe that Ben was a lapsed Catholic, himself, and had looked into other religions before returning to Catholicism. Works for some people, I guess.

I would, too, but I would imagine studios not being comfortable with the ending as written.

I can actually buy that Gemma has such clout with the club. We know that she's manipulative and that's always managed to keep herself attached to whoever is at the top of the club. Even if she's not old lady to anyone in the MC now, they pretty much view her as a matriarch (I don't think SAMCRO sees Nero and his

The book was great! They skimp on the '90s but otherwise it's really fantastic.

If that book "The Other Hollywood" is to be believed, that mob did still have it's hands in the distribution end of adult film business for much of the '80s.

Scrambled Spice got me through high school. Plus, there was the added bonus of that channel occasionally unscrambling for a few minutes. You had to be ready for that magical moment.

Yeah, I really like part 4. The script is nothing special but I think the direction, atmosphere and performances are good. I think it's a lot better than the Friday the 13th, NOES, and Texas Chainsaw Massacres sequels that were hitting theaters around that time. I'd actually put part 4 at the same level as part 2,

Liked for mentioning the band Witchfinder General. "Death Penalty" is one of the greats to come out of NWOBHM. And also, the movie is fantastic.

I saw Vixen open for Ozzy in 1989. I was 12. I remember them being decent, but the 2 things that always stood out for me was that between every song the singer said "Ozzy's coming up and he's gonna KICK. YOUR. ASS!" and that the bassist took an extended solo, which I thought (and still think) was an odd thing for

Is Payback the movie where Joan Severance fucks the dude while her blind husband is in the room?  That is something I will never forget.

I think I would watch it if every episode ended with either Rafi or Dirty Randy dying at the end, only to return next week as if the previous week didn't happen.

Just took a look at The League's facebook page and the reaction seems to be the similar to South Park fans' reaction to "Not Without My Anus" when that episode was aired.  I guess I didn't realize how many people were into The League for the fantasy football stuff, I thought it was more about the interaction between

I have a feeling that the reaction to this episode is going to be either love or hate with little middle ground but that was the hardest I laughed in a while.  I don't know if I could watch a full on Rafi and Dirty Randy series, but I loved this episode.

No Stamos = No Beach Boys

The set's that Greg's band has been playing have all been stuff that only Greg has written.  Dez never wrote much for Black Flag, I think you mean Chuck Dukowski, and yup, that definitely means no "My War" (Greg wrote "Jealous Again" and they're playing it).  Greg's bass player is good but his drummer is not.

Bill Stevenson sued Greg on behalf of the Descendents a few years ago.  There is a lawsuit between Husker Du and SST now.  That seems to be the only way bands are getting paid by SST

According to the documents filed, Keith and Henry filed for the trademark to the Black Flag name and logo last year, which is why Henry is a part to this law suit.  Interestingly enough, Greg only filed for those this past June.

Don't forget Clive Burr.

Word is that Gregory Moore, who played with a bunch of Greg's projects, is the drummer for the Greg version, not Robo