
Suburgabatory? "gleeful backstabbing, sarcastic observations about the suburbs,"
1.  how fat a target is that?
2. Barbecues and PTA jabs?  The concept of the suburbs hasn't gone much past 1975.
It's the same sing song lame ass jabber as Modern Family or any of the other "suburb" shows

Two Six packs Away.  Dave Dudley, giddy fun, great chorus . The whole thing is played for a laugh, nobody would ever touch this today .  You see a guy's gotta girl, only two sixpacks away…  Junior Brown has the same kind of baritone.

He looks very distinguished

Gnats make you think about gnats, I bet even Decartes would agree. And the rest too.

and horseflies when hiking in the woods, that's when I wear earbuds. I don't always find the sound all that great, and am constantly poking at them, but it beats the hell out of GNATS. Nature is a hateful place.
And what's the difference between "earbuds" and "in your ear"

I wonder who won?
I'd like to see something like, Aliens arrive, incinerate the entire planet. Credits and The End.The confused audience just sits there for the next hour and a half.
We are not the underdog, as sexy as we think it makes us.

The Ramones were doing schtick just like Sha Na Na.

If you repeat a cliche loud enough and long enough, people will come to find it tiresome .