
Emphatic assertion of the dual conceptual frameworks within which any given idea or object can be simultaneously defined.

What's interesting is that "the evil spirit is crawling right for you" shot is associated with a lot of '90s J-horror; but I forgot Lynch did it first.

I'm halfway through the season and it's great so far.

Googling "clown porn" seems like a surefire way to end up on some Stephen King/Lovecraft madness trip. No thanks, compadre.

…is this a gimmick?

I thought The Terror was very good, if bleak. That was 2013.

I've seen their cars, so I don't even WANT to know how many clowns can come in a bukkake.

Oh man, the day was bound to come when, through no fault of your own, you accidentally happened to be somewhat on-topic.

Good thing I'm a big fan of the Situationists then.

How about asking them if they want a penis IN their face?

Dude, that's kind of racist.

Thanks for replying. The only BDSM I have ever personally engaged in has been pretty mild/tame stuff in the context of an ongoing relationship, and was just one part of a course menu at the end of which both partners explicitly plan to get off, in the basic sense of that term.

Bingo. Bruce Wayne's parents were "fridged". Sydney Bristow's fiance was "fridged". EVERY revenge story has an inciting incident, and that incident will often be some version of Inigo Montoya's father (prepare to die).

As well as Elliot's/Veronica's extremely cavalier attitude towards respecting other people's privacy, their cynical view of human nature, their troubled mothers, and their view of society as stratified into the wealthy/oppressors and the poor/oppressed.

"Hence Dan taking her to task for implying that doing kinky painful stuff isn't actually "sex.")

But graint sex is the greatest sex! Ask Nudeador!

I think you mean….

Woke up this morning, got no pants and shoes…

You could always stop, unless you need the silk.

Sooner or later, The Great Cosmic Shoe squashes us all.