
Any site recommendations?

From now on, there will have to be.

L.A. Style, come back! This is your big chance!

It's just Werdup and Predator. Werdup and Predator and their adventures, Lack of Name. Werdup and Predator, forever and forever, a hundred years Werdup and Predator, s… things. Me and Werdup and Predator runnin' around and Werdup and Predator time. Aaall day long forever. All, a hundred days Werdup and Predator

It's a lightly-fictionalized account of a torrid night I spent with Nudeador.

Damn, I just bought it at my local for like $21. Do you know if that's the limited edition initial run (clear vinyl, red felt sleeve, which is what this is), or just standard (I suspect the latter)? Even if it's just standard, that's a great price.

There's a lot of paperwork. Have you considered just going for 'Skunk Ape'? You can do that by phone.

The lawsuit failed due to the well-known common-law precedent of "If that butt didn't hit, you must acquit".

CancerAIDS used to be transmissible via firstie-contact only, but the virus mutated into a Disqus-borne form, and now we all have it.

You wanna tell it that you love it, but that butt will probably poot.

I have not; and I admit that this is totally unfair, but I would always see his Weird-Al-gone-jarhead face all over YouTube and such, and I was kind of put off. It just seemed like he couldn't be any good, if he was that prolific.

My guess is that this has always been a problem, but in the internet-cycle/release-leak/paper-is-dead age, it's probably gotten worse. There is so much music, and so many reviewers, that from the time an album is made available you've got maybe 24 hours to post a review while anyone still cares about the thing, if

I like their shoegazy stuff quite a bit, but people are not loving this new direction from what I can tell (I haven't heard it yet).


To this day, Friends remains one of the most bafflingly-popular pop phenoms I know. Most of the time, even when something isn't for me, I can still understand why it might be massively-popular. But Friends just had nothing going for it in the comedy department - yet people whose tastes I otherwise respected watched

Upvoted for unexpected Haddaway-roll.

He invented the Batusi!

Are you really bringing your doctor with you (a wise move), or did your dealer drop the MA and pass the savings on to you?

Like I said, I know I'm an outlier - I also think Daydream Nation is inferior to Sister, "Teenage Riot" excepted.

I'd agree with that. I'm an old dude, and they're one of the only modern rock bands that I feel comfortable slotting next to the eighties/nineties indie rockers they draw heavily from (SY, GbV, R.E.M., Pavement, Breeders/Pixies/Stereloab etc.)