
Full album is on Spotify, checking it out now. I know a lot of people have a beef with Spotify, but I use it for exactly this - to preview stuff I might want to buy.

I think Ring made the top twenty on that list, but I agree, I would have put it in top ten (and I actually think the US remake's a rare case of improving on the source material).

Pan's has the edge visually. But Backbone is slightly stronger in terms of story and character IMO.

Yeah, you could remove the monsters and that movie would still terrify me.

It really, really does. And it's such an aesthetically and thematically beautiful film too, in that your understanding of the characters at the end is completely different than at the beginning.

Descent was genuinely scary to me. But as @Dimensonal Bleedthrough says, I'm somewhat claustrophobic.

Haven't seen every single one of these (still haven't gotten to It Follows and Babadook), but I'd drop 28 Days Later for Devil's Backbone.

Dese birds are not myna, maybe dey are yoursa.

I have not read the comic, but here is a dissenting view (I recommend checking the rest of the tumblr out too, because there's a lot of good stuff there - I am not affiliated with it in any way, just really enjoyed the stuff there ):


If the night fevers don't get you, the CancerAids will.

Kurosawa more or less created the spaghetti Western genre

One day people will accept that an Ali G / Marilyn Manson combination was something nobody needed.

Stop Trying To Make Die Antwoord Happen, Internet.

If you want a vision of the future, imagine a reboot stamping on a human face - forever.

Don't make a fuss, dear. I'll have your pogs. I love them.

Das Reboot

Have you got anything without pogs in it?

Shame this is getting such lackluster reviews, was hoping it'd be good. I've been expecting something great from this guy ever since the (yes, exceedingly-twee-titled) "Let's Fall Asleep Together" a few years back. It's got a terrific earworm of wistful melody, like Magnetic Fields or Russian Futurists doing Beach

"Me Lost Me Cookie At The Disco".