

In Dirtero, featuring "Kurt-Shaped Box".

THIS man has a "monolith", RIGHT HERE!

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[cycle repeats until exhaustion achieved]

Eh, I forgot she was the trophy wife, instead of just another Chessani floozy. She was an incredibly minor character and her marital status wasn't really relevant to my basic point.

Well that's settled then.

One bit of motif that I thought might go somewhere that never did, was the recurring heavy weed use in the first few episodes. Ray gets some for his dad, and has some himself. The mayor's daughter gets interrogated at the MMJ place. The messed-up hooker in the mayor's house with her Volcano bag.

Or The Time's What Time Is It?

I was there when @StankTheSkunk:disqus responded to @avclub-c1c00f06971248828258e6aea6506129:disqus .

Well, at least for once an asshole talking out of his ass will be on-topic.

Hear, hear.

See, the problem with this is that the ass-chafing and excessive pooping is karma trying to teach you a lesson.

As was the neverending diarrhea from which there was no escape.

Where do you think reverse vampires come from?

"It puts the lotion in the KFC bucket, or it gets the hose again."

Have MF Doom team up with Dr. Octopusagon, and I'm in.

I'd say a letter-grade opportunity was missed, for a movie that's already FFF.

Also, why is the Cylon Raider listed in the Relatavistic category, if its drive is also listed as 'FTL Drive"?

Disqus screwed your comments, you got
CancerAids on ice
We are all just prisoners here
Of our own device
And in O'Neal's chambers, they gather for the feast
They slap it with The Big Red No, but they just can't kill the beast

"Labor Day was WEEKS ago!"