
White women Bechdel like THIS, but black women Bechdel like THIS.

Doug Martsch is actually a big Dinosaur fan (Martsch was asked once about the influence of Neil Young on his playing when he started out, and he replied that he actually was trying to play like J).

Trout man, eh?

Nobody believes nuns!

They can also harvest his back for more wigs.

Yeah, that's my recollection too. I might rewatch…

And the other, only slightly less well-known, is this: Never click on a Great Job, Internet!

I dunno, with a name like "Pivot" I expect it to pull a "History" Channel or a "SyFy" or a Bravo or an "Arts & Entertainment" any second now, and start producing shitty reality shows about Real Ancient Alien Housewife Sharknados. They are trying to warn you now not to get too attached.

I noticed that churchboy has curly hair, like Philip, and I mentioned elsewhere that Paige's hair was styled exactly like Elizabeth's in this ep.

Thank Gaad It's Friday?

As one of the first prominent lesbian characters on TV, I think the show had to thread a needle - make Tara too "aggressive/sexual", and you are going to get hit from the right for the whole supposed "recruiting into the homosexual agenda" thing, and from the left for "catering to the male gaze/geek fanservice/lesbian…

I didn't catch the hockey to baseball transition, that's good.

Wait, it was THAT lady? I totally missed that, good catch.

And frankly, I see Jennings' a lot more often (and also use it myself).

Arkady and Oleg have sort of a paternal vibe going on that I really like.

She's been an unreliable asset from the start, she's always been portrayed as a bit unstable (possibly bipolar or something, she's always been shown to have some pretty wide mood swings and she seems like she has sex more because she feels compelled than wants to, if that makes any sense.).

Join the club!

A family tradition?

This season is going to race forward when that sketch comes back. Gaad got a good look at Elizabeth's face, Martha has gotten lots of good looks at "Clark's sister", and Stan of course knows what his neighbor looks like.

I wonder if it's training/natural stamina, or something the EST session kind of obliquely referred to - supposedly, nothing makes one want to fuck like almost dying does, and spies are almost dying every second of their days.