
Upvoted for semi-obscure highbrowness.



I was there, when Rick Springfield knocked a woman out with his ass
When Sir Mix-A-Lot and Nicki Minaj were called as Expert Witnesses
I was there
But I'm losing my crack
I'm losing my crack
To the kids, coming up from behind

That butt is out of order! This whole COURT is out of order!

Much obliged, your heinieness.

Allow me to present a rebuttal.

Oddly, me too. Tell her I said hello.

True, I just wasn't aware of them addressing these sorts of things in the movies/shows. I'd like to see it though (not in a prurient way - OK, not JUST in a prurient way), part of what I am enjoying so much about this show is the way it's slipping in some Mad Men-style "the times are a-changin'" amongst the Alias.

You should probably ignore that.

Given the way the show is lightly exploring changing mores and culture, I wondered if Angie will be shown to be a closeted lesbian with the hots for Peggy (non-reciprocated, I'm sure). Because…who wouldn't?

So….Jarvis is Smithers?

I always thought the Bosstones' cover was surprisingly good:

In a weird way, GnR's early sensibilities aren't that far off from, say, the Replacements - Axl was another Midwestern kid equally inspired by KISS and the Dead Boys. If grunge killed off the hair-metallers with indiscriminate shotgun blasts, GnR had already shivved them in the showers; unlike most glam rock of the

"(I was listening to Soundgarden's "Outshined" the other day, and it occurred to me it's totally a VH song.)"

Agreed on all points (I also have not seen S2). Why do so many comedy series (especially animation) make this mistake? Even the weakest Harvey Birdman episodes moved so fast, due to the short ep. length. Most shows just don't have THAT many great jokes, so why not shorten the ep and pack them tighter?

Or it's just a universal acknowledgement that we've all had an existential crisis in the can.

That "natural selection" thing is also in City of God - each successive generation of gangsters has to be meaner than the last, just to survive. Marlo cares for nothing other than reputation ("My name is my name!") and power - when he kills Prop Joe, he has a look in his eye of nearly-sexual fascination as he

And they are presumably in cold, wet Manchester (Isn't that the Salford Lads Club from The Queen is Dead behind them? Or are they trying to trick us?)

Ah, screw you guys.