
Rock Music
Gouge Away
River Euphrates
Alec Eiffel
Bone Machine

The back half of "Knocking" turns into Santana or something. It's great (I'm one of those weirdos who thinks Sticky Fingers is way better than Exile on Main Street.)

Hey Joe - Creation or Jimi Hendrix
Hey Hey Helen - ABBA or Lush
Hey Boy Hey Girl - Chemical Brothers
Hey Hey My My - Neil Young or Chromatics
Hey, That's No Way to Say Goodbye - Leonard Cohen or Ian McCulloch
Hey You! - Cure
Hey You - Pink Floyd
(Hey! You!) Get Off Of My Cloud - Stones
Hey Tonight - CCR

Yeah, Supernatural borrowed a couple things from Preacher I thought.

Tity, can you please request they change that header image? It's just not flattering to His Purpleness. Every time I see it I think of a spider getting an unexpected prostate exam.

You're supposed to leave your luggage in a hot car.


Black metal should just count itself lucky that it isn't getting put in an illegal fatal chokehold by the NYPD.

Have you checked the brightness on your monitor? Maybe you have it set to "none more black".

I'm just happy to hear that Wyckyd Sceptre is back together.

This is what makes me crazy. We're in a post-Game-of-Thrones-is-a-huge-TV-hit world.

A lot of the rhymes on Check Your Head are pretty weak (throwing "y'all" at the end of every line is sort of a cheat); but it's forgivable to me, since I assume they were (re) learning to play their instruments at the time, and it's still a very respectable album.

[frowns, scratches head, checks lyric sheet]
[shrugs, tries to recover]

Looked out the window, seen his bald head

Barrel of a Gun.

It's got to be automated, somehow.

I agree with you, and I miss that call-and-response style, it's kind of fallen from fashion in rap (nowadays most rappers seemingly want the spotlight entirely to themselves, for either a whole verse or track; they don't "share" the lines).

Nah, I agree with you. Shoot, they were kids when they made Ill - boys that age ARE braying jackasses.

Yeah, I played that one a lot.
