
I like Grohl a lot as a person, and he's a helluva drummer, but FF's just aren't all that interesting to me aside from "Everlong" and "Monkey Wrench", and those were a long time ago.

It might've helped if he knew yr city's complete nam

I'll research and get back to you.

It's quite simple, logically.

Don't forget Hannibal!

I only bet half a bohunkus.

It's a fine line.

Just to play Devil's Advocate, and not that Ginn didn't set himself up for this, but the kinds of stories that are out there already would also provide a useful template for someone in a nasty custody battle to model stories after.

'Oy, that's the last time I eat a strange mushroom…'

I get the impression some people love them for the camp factor, or because they are silly.

What's that turtle doing with a nut on its butt?

Yes, a fuller, more complete life…also, probably crabs.

Those unwanted houseguests, Sam and Ella…

Yep, and very, very Billy Corgan sounding.

Oh, like YOU'VE never awoken in a strange hotel room with a turtle on your head.

I knew I could count on you guys.

Love with a bullet.

Despite all my rage, I still see Courtney on this page.

I'll have to revisit WP (I hear the first one at least once a week, it's in my kids' room and they love it).

Let me tell you, little kids STILL love to do the 'down, down' part.