
I haven't seen Goodfellas in years, and I first became aware of this track through the (pretty great) LCD Soundsystem cover of it (it was one of the B-sides to "Daft Punk Is…").

Word up.

Between the two of them, I think @GuyIncognitoII:disqus and @henrykissingersacidflashback:disqus are going to liberate us from male, white corporate oppression via some sort of a divide-and-conquer strategy.


If anyone does find that for FF, can they post it here please? I haven't located it so far but maybe I am using wonky search terms or something.

I was lucky enough to see Television play once when Lloyd was still in. I had been a causal fan up until then, and saw them more out of a sense of historical curiosity than deep interest and…holy shit.

Sister's my fave probably.

Great tune.

Preach it brother. I've seen Ministry, JAMC, Mogwai, Pumpkins, Dino, SY, and many, many more loud shows.

When you someone bing it.

An "awful slog"? It's like 36 minutes. I've spent longer sessions on the can.

@humanclock - I should clarify, that is not my video, I was down on the floor in front of the stage too. YLT were freakin' loud. Not quite MBV-loud, but loud.

@avclub-951d3e731b6b2ac1e93cbba6e1b68e80:disqus Hey, I was at the Matador thingy too!

[dumps beer on @dokterrock:disqus 's head]
[rocks the fuck out]
[calls in airstrike from striped white jets]

I was trying to contain my distaste for "Tree", 'cos here in the GbV threads, we're amongst friends.


"Tree" is…not good. Never understood the band's or fans' love for that one.

But Lance would've killed for a chance at the big time!

I got that one on vinyl (toilet seat in the 80's).

Weird. I was just talking about these guys recently. Also watched their early videos (When Blair Had Hair) and realized that if THAT guy could be a frontman, there's no reason Crucifictorius couldn't have been huge.