comma chameleon

In Communist South Ossetia
Facebook pokes you

did you leave the comment blank to reflect your inability to communicate with the real world? Mommy can't type all your comments darling, even she can't decifer your anger.

Dear Steve Coogan
I miss you very much, but probably not as much as you miss me, yours, Cocaine binge.

Dear comic book readers
please feel free to move onto real books anyday soon, sure there's less pictures but there's also more self-esteem to be gained.

Apropos of nothing..
I'd just like to say that this site peaked with the Carl Craig interview, and is now officially culturally defunct. PS- I may or may not be listening to 'Throw' by Paperclip People right now.

So now we're letting the redheads
rise above from their trodden-underfoot position at the bottom of the whitey scale, and have their say? Ouch.

Wait, ih he's here talking to AV Club…
then who's saving Roman from being kidnapped(again)?

my favourite random rules so far
mainly because;
a- he's trapped inside a bamboo cage and
b- I like his band

lame white-girl soul
is never more than lame white-girl soul

sell out
this album is. just because they're entertaining and lovable guys doesn't mean we can forgive a poor Killers pastiche. and don't forget, the Killers are bloody terrible anyway.