The Wa

Same thing happened with me and "OK Computer." I was in the car with a friend, she turned on her CD player, I heard the first chords of "Let Down" and my life was changed.

The Tourist
I'm not surprised it bombed. Aside from the bad buzz, it also had a terrible marketing campaign. I literally had no idea what the movie was about, except that it involved Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp in Venice, and might also possibly involve spies. You'd think Hollywood would have learned by now that

Sweet fuck
This is the worst cast movies I've ever heard of. They doomed it by having fiesty redhead Emma Stone play the Spider-Man love interest who is NOT a fiesty redhead.

Finding cool stuff
I can't really dispute anything in this review, but I do think what Goonies does best is make manifest that little kids' desire to find something cool and interesting in their otherwise boring town. I remember mucking about the woods around my childhood neighborhood's tract housing hoping to find

Great review, Todd
My only quibble is I think the show intentionally made the prep school look like a utopia because we're seeing it through Kurt's eyes and he's infatuated with Blaine. A sort of free indirect discourse via TV, which I liked (though, admittedly, the "we're all respected here" bit was BS).

"That absolutely no one else from Heroes seems to be involved is also a plus."

I love this movie so much
The scene of Gorgeous pushing the sliding doors open for her stepmom near the end is hilarious and so well done. Obayashi might have gone berserk on cinema cliches and techniques, but he also knew how to stage a brilliant scene when needed.

I liked ham on wheat before it was cool.


Good point, lexicondevil. I always knew Short Round was somehow even more offensive than he seemed.

I questioned its existence, too, until I ended up at the Howard stop (waiting for the Purple Line) and saw one sitting there. It was like seeing a unicorn. A magical, needless-waste-of-public-resources, Jewish unicorn.

MST3K was set in space, dude…

The Yellow Line is the only one I've never ridden. I've never understood its existence. Don't people who live in Skokie have, y'know, cars?

Cruskinsky- my farts certainly can.

2 1/2 Men
It still amazes me that that show is the comedy choice of Middle America.

Trigger Happy TV was pretty great. It just made people go "what the fuck…?" Like the woman coming in to interview at an office full of people in bear costumes. My favorite though is the spy asking a random dude on a park bench, "you are… red fox?" over and over… and then a dude in a fox costume walks by in the

"Scot's Tots" is nigh unbearable. I watched it curled up in a ball with my face over my hands. Basically, the same way I watched "The Exorcist."

Black Cat would be good. That way she could join Spidey on the action and not be relegated to the nagging shrew/damsel in distress role MJ had in all three movies.

I watch more for the food and the drama of prepping it under pressure. They could have fucking robots out there cooking and it wouldn't change my opinion of the show. This is probably why I like "Top Chef Masters" so much and gave up on "Hell's Kitchen." If I wanted bullshit drama I'd watch "The Real Housewives" or

Gail's awesome. Like J Mann says, her comments are most insightful. Padma sort of "feels" through a dish, Tom is too curt most of the time ("this is a failure"/"this is great"), while Gail's comments give me, the person who hasn't eaten the food, the best idea of what it tastes like.