Hammer Pants

"#7 Will Melt Your Ass Off!"

"Given that most of their songs are about how fun it is to drive cars on the beach while the surf is shining and the sun is up…"

Hey good job. This is more interesting than arguing about the merits of Mulholland Dr.

Actual great job, Internet.

Yeah take your measured tone and regret of hyperbole over to Breitbart where it belongs!

Yep. Llewyn Davis is right up there with the best of their work and one of my all-time favorites, eclipsed maybe only by Fargo (which has much the same effect on me as It's a Wonderful Life, in that the ending packs such an emotional wallop). I think you're right that time will be kinder to it than the Academy and

I'd go so far as to say the entire canon of the Coen Brothers. I've always loved their movies, give or take a Ladykillers, but as I get older I keep finding deeper and deeper levels of resonance in their works. Particularly in how they deal with the unknowable through the lense of quantum mechanics. When I first

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It's a rigged system, and it's a very dishonest system, and I would hope that Margot would find another career or another shared universe. Get smart!

The X-Files: I Wallabelieve

Pretty sure that deal goes into effect in September

If a retired USAF lieutenant shows up on Larry King testifying to being complicit in a UFO coverup (without a book to sell even!), it's acceptable that's of interest to some people, even some who are rational, and I see no reason it should be condemned in the face of some of the other repetitive schlock the 24 hour

I'm sorry, but I respectfully don't have to forgive it, and I do forgive UFoers and the religious, so long as they aren't wildly insane or hyper-moronic. What you've communicated is that you find those who can entertain the possibility of God or other life in the universe (which it can be well argued is actually

She was probably right. He was Larry King's go-to UFO skeptic on CNN. Happened to catch a couple episodes with him and wow, what an arrogant dick. In one appearance I swear he brought an astronaut to the brink of weeping.

Why exactly is it borderline racist?


I'm sorry Twitter but white guys aren't allowed to create black female characters now? I mean I'm the furthest thing from a Trumpian PC-phobe but this attitude right here is destructive to art. Should we be outraged by Harper Lee or Quentin Tarantino or Mark Twain or David Simon or Stephen King? (Okay maybe that

Super sensitive Cox? Whaaaaaaaat?????

I guess I'm in the "Frank Darabont is a hack" minority. I mean, Shawshank is good and all, and I suspect we have King to thank for that more so than Darabont - a great story that (though he gave it his best shot) Captain Banal couldn't completely ruin. It's definitely miles away from the "perfect movie" its fans and

It's maybe pointless to add to the outpouring, but he was the best alive, possibly of all time. I have never felt this saddened by a celebrity's passing. Not even close. PSH was truly the master. Words can't convey. But here's hoping he can still read these message boards from the void anyway.