crimminy crips

for some reason i really thought eli was going to confess his love for alicia at the end there. as ridiculous as it would have been, it would have been better than bringing up the will voicemail after all this time.

B is unfairly low! I absolutely loved the closing argument and the Fisk reveal scene was brutal and excellent.

It shocked me too, which is silly because we've known since day one
that he's a snake, but testament to how good this show is at that kind
of characterisation.


i hadn't noticed myself but not sure how it is really relevant either way

Nora! Nora finally got some lines! And I loved her energy with Eli. More lines for Nora in the future please.

Cary's expression after this was absolutely priceless

I would LOVE to see Alicia run for SA but would Peter really be able to endorse his own wife? And hasn’t Alicia got quite a big Will-shaped skeleton (sorry) in her closet that would almost certainly come out if she ran? Regardless, I think it would be a great direction to take the show in, for sure.

Alicia taking a brief moment to consider how much wine she was going to pour when she was talking to Eli was a funny little touch. I also enjoyed Peter throwing water on Castro. I saw it coming a mile off but it didn't make it any less satisfying!
Are we to assume that Peter banged the intern?

I thought so too. I really appreciate how this show puts so much effort
into costume, it's subtle but they bring so much to the

Yep, pretty boring episode. Boring case, and it just overall felt a bit flat, though it had its moments. I did like that Alicia finally admitted to someone that she wasn't fine and that her mother was there to support her for a change.

I'm fairly certain that it was actually Dimitri going up the stairs, and not the manservant

when mj fox said his characters name at the
beginning of the episode i literally did a double take. i can't believe i
haven't realised before now!

doing a re-watch and i noticed that steve jobs was on the list of 'enemies' and also got an asterisk by his name which meant he was one of the people who physically attacked the client which made me LOL

To be fair though, he broke it, he SHOULD fix it!

2 months late but.. Oh shit! That would explain a lot. That also makes me really sad.

The tag was a thing of beauty. Also EVERYTHINGGGGGG!

Argh. I think I ship it. That's wrong, right?


This show is absolutely the highlight of my TV week at the moment. Feckin' brilliant, this season. So happy it has bounced back!