farty mcstinkybritches

Agreed. Kim knows Jimmy, and she knows Chuck, and she's smart. She read the situation, put the story together, and instinctively knew how to play it.

It's interesting what they (the writers) did with that reveal last week. Rather than turning Hamlin from a cartoonish douchebag into a saint, and Chuck from sympathetic figure into Dr Evil, what they've done instead is to make both characters more nuanced, to the betterment of the show.

Very disappointed in Mike for letting Jimmy out of the lot without paying. You agreed to do a job, dude.

I got a new one recently. Cheap too — guy needed the money..

…which is wholly appropriate, given that his fate is already written.

You'll find Clan McStinkybritches to be a formidable foe, laddie. So bring it on. But! Only if ye be men of valour — If you do doubt your courage or your strength, come not, for death awaits you all with nasty, big, stinky britches!

I'm pretty sure this isn't quite the true birth of Saul, although it might have been if the series hadn't been renewed.

Um, I hate to nip this new Howard-love-fest in the bud, but let's consider motives.

I'm gonna go ahead and call it: we've got another "Breaking Bad" on our hands.

Well, if Walt hadn't been cooking meth, nothing after the second act of the pilot would have happened, so yeah.

Actually, a fade to black and a good ol' Archie Bunker toilet flush would have been good and ominous.

Actually, a fade to black and a good ol' Archie Bunker toilet flush would have been good and ominous.

Well, they could intercut it with flashbacks to ALL THE TIMES HE SHOULD HAVE KNOWN!

Well, they could intercut it with flashbacks to ALL THE TIMES HE SHOULD HAVE KNOWN!

Not a van, silly.

"Gomey, on the other hand, looks evil with that mustache."

Yeah, it was definitely the JHP round. Which is why I was surprised at the mess it made. I thought hollow-points' whole point* was to not make a big exit wound, expending all their energy into the target.