It also beat out Top of the Lake, which proves to me that my vendetta against Soderbegh is well-founded.
It also beat out Top of the Lake, which proves to me that my vendetta against Soderbegh is well-founded.
Well, he did explain the narrative purpose of his death as he was dying…
They aired Mad Men opposite the Emmys a couple years ago, which allowed them to air a commercial in the middle of it boasting about how many Emmys Mad Men had just won. Maybe they'll do the same tonight.
Between TV Review, weekly episodic reviews, and snide comments in What's On Tonight, I can't wait to find out how to feel about all of the new fall TV shows!
I can't even see the TV reviews section.
Now everyone's gonna watch lady basketball instead of the NFL tonight.
Matthew Arnold? Culture and anarchy is right…
More and more seasons of Community! Let's keep this zombie lurching!
I remember this one time I was at a concert and there was a drunk guy in the audience yelling at the musician. The musician, of course, cursed out the guy on the microphone for several minutes and then left halfway through his set, and everyone applauded because he was completely justified.
Well, it's a good thing AMC is airing and distributing the show, not solely creating it from their diseased brain.
The application of Charlie Hunnam’s face to the most famous masturbatory surrogate in pop literature couldn’t have come at a more opportune time for Sons Of Anarchy.
Todd is immortal.
I've seen what happens to people who get screentime on this show. Walt Jr. should be thankful he's forgotten about.
The gun is probably purple.
Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones.
Canadian TV, everyone.
They were a pretty bad generation, as you can probably tell from this article.
And eat potatoes.
So, what you're saying is that he's your average cop?