SO LILLY'S GOING TO DIE! jkjk, maybe
SO LILLY'S GOING TO DIE! jkjk, maybe
That was laughably weird. Someone should have started on fire during the sword fight at least.
I almost forgot that Revenge was back last night until I saw Carrie's tweets, thank goodness.
Oh Katherine! I love her and I love that she went out with a bang (or went "to a place they could bring her back from" with a bang) Her goodbyes to everyone were wonderful.
I think there was a bite sound, because after they fought I thought, 'oh no he bit her!' But also whenever Tyler gets in a fight with a vampire now I think I assume they got bit because there's just teeth everywhere. Am I rite?!
totally late to the party but we all know that rebekah's old bf, alexander is the groosalugg right?
This has all been run through the jokes computer and proven to be accurate.
Also, they don't need to be married to be called Aunt and Uncle, they're not even actual relative Aunt & Uncle, they're the friend Aunt & Uncle which isn't to say that's not totally equal.
My theory is that since Conrad was present after the second blackout that meant he was slipping Emily some of his old Huntington's medication, or something like that. I feel like Conrad kind of knows everything behind the scenes, Except who Emily really is.
I agree that Aidan doesn't need his own separate storyline so hopefully Niko kills him quickly. I think her pushing him up against that post was telling and I couldn't care less if they'd want to keep him around because he might end up with Emily.
Ugh I'm trying not to read this because I haven't watched yet but I skimmed the first few paragraphs and am just going to go into it thinking "What!! Daniel shot out her ovaries!!!"
I'd definitely like to see the "but they don't know we know they know" thing happen. Also, I want her to hold out on telling Aidan. Are we supposed to like him? Because I still don't like him even before the doctor kissing.
Any way you slice it this is all covered by maritime law. Somebody call Chareth Cutestory.
I got one reply of "I'm thinking maybe I should go back and watch the show and I'd add that to my Netflix queue."
This crossed my mind too, I've considered running some tests on non-VM fans. If I follow through I'll be sure to post my highly scientific results.
They've only been dating over the last year, not since the end of the show, so says Rob Thomas.
Public Confession: I watched all of Ringer on Netflix
This year I will finally watch Firefly. It's happening I'm going to click play on Netflix right now and probably won't come out until like 15 hours from now.
although i'm sure no one will ever read this here goes.
My pop-culture weekend was a throwback. Started the weekend off with the last bit of my Buffy/Angel watch through with Angel season 5: A Hole in the World (woof, yeah I knew what I was getting into even though this was my first time through Angel)