Baby Face Nielsen Ratings

See my comment above re: Tim spinoff. Then tweet those idiots at FX and tell them to make it happen!

The actress who plays Winona has tweeted how absurd the "fuck"-lessness in the show is.

Remember- to Graham Yost (and I betcha Timothy O.) "Raylan is a hero."

Ok, one more time and then let us pray: there is nothing that lends itself better to "… the next day.." told from a slightly different view than a Tim Gutterson spinoff.


I meant the thing is " In America, we blah blah blah. In Soviet Union, blah blah blah blahs you!".

Holy shit. That final scene with Elizabeth giving Paige The Look of Keep Your Mouth Shut or You're Dead with the sound of Phillip loudly sharpening the knives was just chilling. And thrilling.

There is nothing great about Justified "wrapping up". It is the best show on TV, ever.

I was hoping Elizabeth wasn't going to say what she did in Russian to Paige, but as soon as she started talking I knew and it just killed me.

I thought Pastor Tim looked like Philip's doppelgänger. For real.

Henry is the opposite of useless. He's a good little actor, he's compelling and fun to watch and he……he's….he's useful!

Why is it no matter how fine the production values and attention to details are - people fake dancing to fake music always looks fake?

Too many. Too fucking many. I'm willing to hand-wave almost anything for this show, but this one is too much. Ava's "crime" moves so much plot - yet the bullshit that surrounds it - jesus, It's so beneath the "Justified" standard.

I love Fletcher the "Ice Pick" Nix. And he didn't die!

I believe Limehouse began to lose affection for Ava when she began "running whores." If anyone recalls a bedroom scene with Boyd and Ava(Ava on top) , Ava made Boyd promise he would never get involved with prostitution as a business model and he promised .

Boyd fatal flaw has always been his inability to treat people who are loyal to him with any kind of appreciation, respect, protection…….shit, he could barely say a civil word to Earle and Carl and they worshipped his ass. And his treatment of cousin Johnny- not only the mark of a cruel guy, but also a stupid one.

I'd like to see Tim do anything.

Also Justified can make me laugh a lot - where The Americans - I love the show, but except for Mail Robot, there are no laughs, there are too many torture scenes (SPOILER ALERT: really could have done without lingering shots of the "necklace party") and not enough Nina and Oleg or Olaf or whoever.

But Lem!

Once again referencing Graham Yost, my close personal BFF, he referred to Raylan in one of the postmortems as "a hero." So I don't see a Vic Mackey(sp!) ending for our boy.