Baby Face Nielsen Ratings

Jesus, we were a McCarthy family and the RFK assassination brought all family and friend business to a halt; and the grown ups once again gathered in front of the TV to cry.

No. It was foreplay in most relationships that have lasted beyond a year.


it's the mustaches that are messing up the place. Every scene with Stan, Ginsberg or Abe looks like they're shot in a hairy nostril.

Justified is equal in greatness -perhaps squeaks by a bit.

Don didn't do diddly to stop Joan from going to fuck Fatty. He waited until it was too late and then showed up like Mr. Big Guy, come to save the day.

Part of my belief system about blow jobs is that they're like flowers: always welcome.


Yes, thank you Kevin a hundred times over. I loved reading your insightful reviews/recaps every week, even when Southland had a under par episode .

Febrile seizures sound scary as hell, but they're actually pretty common. The typical seizure lasts no more than five minutes and in most cases, a doctor doesn't need to be seen, unless the child's condition worsens in the next few hours. But that's not the norm.


Of course Henry Francis is clearly the winner, but we need to subtract some I WANT TO KILL YOU BAM A LANG points for having to put up with his mother, Golgotha.

Yes, the seasons of "Models can be Detectives Too".

Third. The Shield lives in the pantheon of gods.

I second the Ben arc helps to explain how Vic Mackey became The Shield's Vic Mackey. Although the Shield did have that one "how we all got together" show. That was after Lem was killed?

Did i miss the part where she said anything about Walking Dead or not being able to handle sudden death of a character on a TV show?

Just ………no.

Sting play my wedding!!!

Sting performing at my wedding!!!

And then axed TV critics to zip it re: that info, until Sunday.