Baby Face Nielsen Ratings

No, we as a community did not enjoy Tim disappearing into the ether for three episodes………………………………………..*yawn

Reply to Royal Ugly Dude:

I also think his. "humbling" by Lindsey is going to dovetail into the baby Mama's return. You all know we get Winona for about three episodes and the Raylan she's going to meet now isn't quite as cocksure as when she left him.

She's been in everything. For years.

See, I don't know nothin. I'm actually a hippie babe over by Berea.

Yeah. Raylan had me at (grimace) (doesn't want to answer the question because then it will become real ) " It's …… I kinda thought she liked me and all."

He wasn't pathetic. He was adorable; looked the un-cutest I'd ever seen, and the reminders that he'd been played by Grifter Barbie over and over- oh, I just think it made him more adorable. And available. To a hippie babe like me, over by Berea.

Nothing makes up for the lack of Tim's one -liners.

Anything that will keep Ed Helms off the TV screen is OK with me.

Anything that will keep Ed Helms off the TV screen is OK with me.

I'd seen one episode of this show. Afterwards, i had only two questions - who is that unwatchable big boy and who is responsible for this train wreck/schtick dreck?

I like for Dwight Yoakum reference.

Don't know if anyone is interested but I just found the scripts for:

I know Warren Oates is a god to many; and a great film actor to most. However, he can't be compared to Walt Goggins. Maybe Oates was born before his time, but Goggins could carry a film (not just his A.Award winning short) and Oates had only The Head of etc. (Yes, I know - he was in many other films, and not just

Doberman for the win, and Special Chocolate too.

Ditto on the flagging.


Alan Arkin!

: sob :

I do not like Lindsey's (spellcheck?) husband.