
For more lovable losers and corporate assholes, let's all rewatch "Enlightened".

I think that we've already seen a lot of "Bob Dylan in the sixties" stuff. We have "No Direction Home", "Don't Look Back", "Eat The Document" and the Cate Blanchett scenes from "I'm Not There".

Dawes is my favorite running gag.

IASIP got the best running gags : Charlie can't read ("is there a pirate in here?"), Frank always have a gun just in case, Dennis drawning big breasts and, for a time, Mac just being a fat (thanks Rob for that one).

Reflections After Jane - The Clientele

I know want a biopic of Oasis with Carl Pilkington playing Noel Gallagher.
Who's with me?

And of course, Daphne from "Frasier".

I'll add "Infidels" to the list. Nice Dylan album. Perfect for a hot summer. Catchy pop songs ("Jokerman", "Don't Fall Apart On Me Tonight"), strange sexist lyrics ("Sweetheart Like You"), strange political lyrics ("Neighborood Bully", "Union Sundown"), stadium ballads ("I & I", "License To Kill"). It's a lot of fun,

Great Random Roles. It's the best features here, without a doubt. 
I just saw "Detachment" and James Caan was great as a cool teacher and friendly colleague.

If i die old on a sunny day: "Ride Into The Sun" by The Velvet Underground
If i commit suicide: "Ceremony" by New Order
If i die alone : "Fallen Angel" by Neil Young
If i die on a rainy day: "Prelude in D Flat Major: Raindrop" by Chopin
If i die young : "Forever Young" by Dylan (but the acoustic demo you can hear in

Every once in a while, ER would bring that kind of character. A new ER chief willing to make changes and shake up everyone. In the late seasons, it became a gimmick and went ridiculous with Clemente or Moretti, but earlier, you had some great interlopers : Dr Swift (Michael Ironside), Dr Lawrence (Alan Alda) and even

Glad to see "Nothing is the News" by Damien Jurado on this mix. Been listening to it non-stop for a week now. And will continue but with Spotify since i can't listen to this playlist in my location (France).

"Eastbound&Down" is a fucking american tale, an over the top western and this episode was all of that in the most funny way, with all the South of the South, plantations, slaves references a story like this needs. And it was a crazy way to bring back Stevie and ties him for good with the fate of Kenny Powers. The last

Yeah, I didn't enjoyed the Claire storyline that much in the fourth season, but the scene worked, the music was pretty adequate. 
And they also used it in the final making of of the series (in the Season 5 DVD Box) and it actually maked me cry.

If you like  "Transatlanticism" that much, go check SFU again. Season 4, Episode 6 if I remember correct. 
Amazing episode, cool review by the way. Season 4 NBC, please!