Word on the Street

"He may have a flair for dramatic proclamations and showy menswear, but he’s also the guy who advised the Whites to launder their ill-gotten gains through an unassuming car wash."

Cheap Imitation of an Essayist
The problem I have with Crosley is that she's never as introspective as a lot of other essayists. As unfair as it may be to compare her to David Sedaris (which is like comparing a disposable camera to an SLR), she just doesn't bring the same depth to her writing as he does to his. She

Thank you, Chris Martins. I COMPLETELY forgot that Zebrahead ever existed. They were erased from my brain for a good reason, but reading the name and having that "Why does that sound so familiar?" moment made my day. Man, I used to listen to some horrible, horrible music, Dashboard Confessional included.

If the vacuum has a ball, does that make him gay? Oh, no. The accent and the obsession with things that suck do.

Ugh. After reading Kristin Wiig's short, funny interview, this is a chore. I like The Decemberists (Mariner's Revenge Song is pretty awesome) but I understand completely why some people hate this band.

You know it. 18 minutes of bad-assery.

"Shit, Joe Rogan, I had that for brunch last week." HA. Classic Chang.

"Shit, Joe Rogan, I had that for brunch last week." HA. Classic Chang.

"There's the sound, of course: a simultaneously loose and hard-wired amalgam of moods that transposes shrieking terror with swooning beauty, each given voice in a liminal art-rock language that prioritizes the ecstasy of surprise."