X11 User Protesting Mir

I believe that still depends on which version of XPe you are using. The basic version is out of support today, but XP for Point of Sale is still supported for two years, and supposedly is the version that's installed on most ATMs and POS (duh) devices.

When I bought the computer I'm using now, I contemplated getting a Mac, just to blitz the hard disk and install Linux. The hardware is what I was interested in, and there were few options available at that quality level. I find OS X frustrating to use because all of the sexy, Unixy innards are covered by a candy shell

I've never understood the Mint love. Then again, my entire appreciation for Linux involves being able to tweak very specific settings. That said, I'm using Gnome Shell, which I believe makes me a sell-out. (but your desired eject behavior does operate properly under that desktop manager)

I maintain that no one should actually use Linux unless they know what they're getting into. Which means that most people shouldn't use Linux.

*pushes glasses up nose* I haven't had any of those security problems since switching to Linux.*sniffs* But those rat bastards over at Canonical are fucking up Linux for the rest of us too. Get ye some debian, plebes!

Yeah, I'm pretty sure M&S were playing that Grammys, so I don't think the causality argument holds up.