dum bass

Wasn't Diobolus in Musica from the 90s?  I still love that album and put it on every so often when I'm out on the mountain bike.
But then, I wasn't introduced to Slayer until Divine Intervention.  Maybe that's why I love DiM and GHUA.

I would like to believe that Lars is not a good drummer.  He ruined my favorite song, Battery, by screwing up the closing of the song.  He's off by something like a half beat (like he got the bass drum and snare beats switched). That and his douchebaggery makes me hate him and want him to suck. 

I would also like to chime in!
SF rules, Oakland drools.

"Creative Camera Work" = focusing on Miranda's ass during conversations with her.
Which it also did in this game. I actually noticed it this time around because it didn't do that with anyone else. (at least I didn't notice it)

I enjoyed his fully upgraded Carnage power.  It was fun exploding baddies.  Though I didn't use him since he was the same as me (soldier).  My backups were typically tech and biotic, unless I knew what type of fight I was getting into, or if I was bored with the EDI Javik combo.

Following Poot's comment… I was a little confused by Mordin's change of heart. He spent the entire second game justifying the genophage and going on about how it was the perfect balance for the Krogan poulation, going so far as killing the little guy working on the cure.  Then all of a sudden in ME3, he

Yes. What he said.  Upgrade your guns in the shuttle bay, then apply the appropriate mods.  Have your biotic or tech teammates take care of the shields then burn them up with incendiary ammo.

I understand that I'm a little late here, but my Vindicator V will kill all regular enemies with one three round burst to the upper torso/head.  i.e. The geth or Cerberus regular baddies with about 1/2 shield and full health will be dead in one headshot burst with my fully upgraded Vindicator (which I use for its

You know what we're going do tonight?

Behind bars?

That sounds like a person who could study the Rape Ape.

Seeing that video makes me glad that its no longer normal for men to wear pants so tight that others can see the outline of his penis.  I have enough trouble maintaining eye contact.

…throwing her clothes off the balcony and yelling "That's like eggs 101!"

I've been arguing that we should force contraception on those without the means to support themselves for years. You won't be surprised to hear that doesn't win me any friends. 

As said previously:
Fuck yes.

I also have read this book.  Interestingly enough, it was given to me by a Jewish friend from the east coast. 
I had the feeling like the Krupps (Gustav, particularly) happily sold Krupp tech to the nazis. The nazis didn't necessarily steal it.

My college roommate took my undertow cd and inserted "Mike is a" before the "tool" title on the side title of the cd case.  It took me months to notice it. 

"I'm done!"

You'll get no argument from me.  I definitely need to grow a pair.

In her defense, I was well beyond the casual 1-2 hrs/day thing and playing from 5pm till 10pm every day for several months straight.  The soundtrack to San Andreas made her even hate "fool's gold."
She still ocassionally clowns me and imitates CJ by going "Fuck you motherfucker! (machine gun noise)" Then I correct her