dum bass

I'm so aching to play this, but my wife cut me off when I was just a few hours into SR2 because it sounded too much like GTA:SA, over which she almost left me. 

I also quit GTA:SA during the RC plane mission.  Probably had 30 tries, one broken controller (tried twisting the damn thing apart, when that didn't work I went to the garage and gave it a stomping, Dead Space style).  A month or two later I came back to the game and finished that mission on the second or third try. 

Holy shit, did that game ever suck. And I thought it was ninjas that did the kidnapping.

Your comment makes me hate my life. 

I respectfully disagree.  Doom 3 was awesome. I've been loving id since playing qtest in the dorms against my chump friends. It was too bad by the time quake came out I had moved on to an apartment, with no T1, cable modem, or DSL available.  Having the ping of 200 through dial up was the best I could hope for.

Beware the load times.  I didn't install it, and waited 40 seconds between my many failed attempts to do something menial and sneaky. Finally got fed up and quit the game to give Oblivion another shot.