Captain Murphy

"Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town"
"Hits from the Bong"
"Cheeseburger in Paradise"

i heard an argument (not a good one, but still…) that Hitler might never have happened if people had just laughed at him openly in the beginning instead of taking him seriously. …just thinking that maybe laughing at ignorant homophobes and racists in the South (etc. etc.) is a good way to marginalize them culturally,

You gotta admit that, objectively speaking, Jim Belushi works pretty well as a 2009 version of Joe-American-Everyman, and the charming comedy vignettes of Jimmy Fallon's first we—

If so, color me intrigued.

i, for one, would hope that "I Whipped Batman's Ass" would at least make it into the final round of consideration for New York's tune…

bwahahahhaha…boson for the win. anyway, seriously, if you were in a heavy metal band would you trust
_any_ of your band mates (who you've presumably done drugs with, perhaps recently) to pilot you around
the world? Why not just hire a professional??