
I just went.

say what you will about the rest of the episode, I loved the end, where he saved his mom. It felt earned.

yeah The Night Manager is amazing. Sure it falls into tropes (but in this day and age, what doesn't?) but it has to be my favorite miniseries of all time. Everything about it is spectacular.

for me it was Being Human, the UK one, when a certain someone was killed off.

is Clone Wars worth watching? I initially avoided it, but I want to learn more about Ahsoka et al. Should I start at the beginning?

My god this show is the tits. Or the balls. Pick one.

I understood that reference

seriously, y'guys, how good is Mark Hamill

I keep getting a Supernatural vibe off this show (esp with the soundtrack). Maybe SPN can learn something from this show and become good again

Solid A. Next time maybe don't put a spoiler in the title too, kthxbye

I liked it.