
In keeping with the holiday, I watched Demille's silent "The King of Kings," which I had recoreded off of TLC recently. (BTW, I need to echo all the love for Turner Classic Movies, which is the best channel every, in the history of the world. It's like a cinephile's bible, but in video form and running 24/7).

For the people complaining about the brutality and graphic violence in the show, perhaps you shouldn't be watching a show about a zombie apocalypse. Voilence and explicitness are build into the concept and are organic to the story. I didn't find it gratuitous or overly exploitative at all. WHen I started watching

No, actually, I love Tex Avery cartoons! And I love lots of outre and unusual entertainment. No, it's just THIS film I fucking hate.

No, don't feel guilty about not liking this film because your reaction was spot-on It WAS a chore to sit through. I had to sit through the whole film because I was in a theater with friends and leaving early was not an option. I was bored out of my skull by the end of it.

God, how I hated this film
I also happened to catch this film when it was making the rounds in the US lately, and words will fail to convey how fucking awful this movie is. Yeah, ineffably bad. For the record, I love weird cinema and especially ones of the Japanese variety. I'm especially enamored of the