
I… just have to admit I was wrong for being interested in this show and stop watching it.  Because it's such a waste of time.  It spins in circles, purports to be about the characters and not the STORY but gives us nothing new/interesting about the characters.  It gets less interesting the more complicated and


I really liked how Peggy tries to pull a Don Draper last-ditch move at the Heinz pitch… and for a brief moment, it looked like she might pull it off… but this is a man's world.  A woman delivering that routine to a man has a different effect than a MAN delivering it to another man.  She gets shut down where Don may

The driving sequences looked particularly blue-screen fake.  So much so that it almost would seem to be something they were doing intentionally, to call attention to it, but there are ways to do what they're doing… a little less jarringly.

I had such a crush on Angela Chase's mom — back when she was in an early-80s tv production of "Barefoot in the Park" and JAWS 3D.  Bess Armstrong's still sooo cute.  The sort of blandly pretty woman I was drawn to when I was a child… and adolescent… and adult.

They really need to work on casting these seasons better.  I'm sure they can never tell how these people are going to play the game but there is seriously no one I enjoy watching on this show.  I'm glad that obnoxious Colton is long gone, but even he didn't get the axe in a satisfying way.  (A medical emergency

Narration: "Lilly decided not to tell Marshall about her dream involving Frankenstein and the teacup from the Beauty and the Beast.  That one was just for her."

I realize it's beating a dead horse by making a comparison to the orignal UK *programme*, but one of the ways that show worked was that the office was completely grounded.  Gervais's manager character may have been completely mad, but the people who dealt with him were more realty-based.  The office politics

I know it's popular to ridicule Axl Rose and you're obligated to do it in a joint like this… but I think he's great.  And the band he's been playing with is brilliant.  The RRHOF is an oddity museum.

Loooved that moment when Quarles's gun-toting arm gets severed — and he's standing there in shock while Raylan's holding his severed limb, and Quarles reaches out to retrieve his arm and Raylan casually moves his severed arm out of his reach!  As if to say, "I don't trust you with this appendage…"

I thought, Vic Mackey's gonna dismantle that guy… once he clocks out of his day job.

Okay, Ira… show me… smugly cocksure…

I was with this show up until that season 1 finale.  The idea of a murder mystery stretched onward indefinitely is not appealing.  Watching the premiere of season 2, the new leads just made more annoyed.

This is my problem with him.  He's not a great Survivor villain.  He's profoundly annoying.  The entitlement and hypocrisy on display is entirely off-putting.  Just because he was thriving amidst a crowd of spineless dummies doesn't mean he can play the game well.

The original GARBAGE PAIL KIDS movie is a thing of pure, unalloyed horror.  It puts the horrors of the modern "Uncanny Valley" cgi dead-eyes to shame.

Wow. I didn't even realize he was gone until just now.

I like it when Seth is forced to do a sketch in addition to Weekend Update.  Who would imagine SNL wouldn't have enough white guys to do a Mitt Romney sketch?

That's part of a lengthy, excellent action sequence.  The action and 3D is pretty top-shelf.

So you don't care about things paying off over the course of a longer arc?  That's fine, I'm not arguing with your opinion.  I just think there are things you can do with the longer form of serialized television that you can't do with a 100 minute feature film.  It's possible for a series to have a satisfying, earned

I loathe those final tribal councils.  This wasn't even one of the most excruciating ones.  Theoretically, I guess, it's dramatic tee-vee because the finalists are confronted with all the people they've beaten and are tasked with trying to win them over, but it's always ends up as a crowd of bitter people offering