
Stuart shows up on CSI from time to time as a defense attorney. He's still handsome.

Unless you were thinking of American Gangsterosity.


Unsolicited pedantic note: 'P.S.' stands for 'Post Script'. You want to say 'P.P.S.', or 'Post Post Script', not 'P.S.S.', which would mean 'Post Script Script'.

It wasn't. But it was based on an animated short about Milton that ran on SNL.

Barbie Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader
I would.

Lay off the Captain. I love him. Seriously. I own Captain Atom comics from the 80s.

Charlton St.
At least the designers had some sense of history. The Watchmen are all renamed Charlton Comics characters (Blue Beetle, Captain Atom, et al).

The interview is a pretty accurate barometer for whether you'll enjoy the show.


Bait and Switch?
Either they played too much with the editing to up the drama or the judges let the past bias their decision, because based on their conversation it seemed clear that Stefan should have been sent home. Which obviously would have been criminal, which is why he wasn't.

The album is $3.99 at Amazon right now. They seem to be putting new releases up at that price and then jacking it back up to $8.99 or $9.99 after a week or so.

Wife of a friend.

Shall we assume you meant Guillermo del Toro?

This movie…
…made me angry at this movie.

May as well update this with
Studs Terkel. Sigh.

Too soon.

Aside from the possible Hadron Collider-like results
Why was this not tested on bacon?