
Just what we need - another zombie movie.

Donald Gibb takes on the winner.

He was just carrying on the great tradition of Al Feldstein.

Here's a good article on the history of Ate My Balls:

Considering that dork used to be slang for penis, yes, she is penis-able.

It's nice to see they successfully translated her stand-up act to a series.

Flashpoint's body count is ridiculous. It's almost to the point of parody:

Karen Gillan! She's my favorite Karen Gillan, next to Kieron Gillen.

It looks less like an ad for American Horror Story - the new FX series and more like an ad for American Horror Story - the new perfume by Stephen King.

Don't forget Madballs!

I preferred Be an Interplanetary Spy and Time Machine series to straight Choose Your Own Adventure. I can probably draw a straight line from Robot World to Isaac Asimov's Robot City to every other SF book I've ever read.

Don't forget Buffy. She was around for the last season of that, too.

Vince Colletta must have erased Captain Sticky from our collective memories.

If you have tits in your pits, the plastic surgeon really screwed up.

Hey, they'll always need a fat best friend.

Maybe it was a typo
Maybe he wants to get into the UK's grim rape scene.

No love for Random Shoes?

Now who's going to join me in my campaign to get the Onion News Network a Peabody Award?

No, but Mister X did.

More like Condescending
Amirite? Thanks for the Cliff's Notes on the myth of Orpheus and how it relates to Richmond.