Stray Cat 1

It wasn't me! I swear! (munches on Chang skin leftovers).

Guys… I got my teeth stuck on some creepy guy's hand and now I feel weird.

Good evening tuna givers,
As a cat, meowdern finance is very impurrrtant to meow.
For how can kitties enjoy life without kitty food?
How can we get fishies without money for the fishies?
And how can money even be without stable interest rates?
So if you're looking for 2 purrrcent rates for loans and below, look no

I~. AM~. Your singing kitty-gram!~

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His screentime was most definitely brief, but shone just as bright as that of M. Gustave. In a similar vein and parallel to his own fate, he could only behave according to the rituals and securities of those around him and under the love and acceptance of those dear to him— that cat lived as well as it could until


Cat Jonx!

This place is like somebody's memory of a ball of yarn, and the memory is fading. It's like there was never anything here but lint and twine.

That was my STUNT cat! Muhahahaha!

Hodor ; ;. One of these days I'll wake up on time for Halloween festivities!
You just wait, Al Meoweargen!



OK, it's not letting me reply to question 1 at all, so let me try it this way.

I'm just going to come out and say this to be honest with everyone here. Dogs are overrated.

I'm sorry our buts touched.

Meooooooowwwww…. but…

That's the wrong Die Hard, but close enough. Just can't top your enthusiasm. Nice work /snuggles.

…remember when we said we were going to play this as straight homage? No Batman and Robin antics?