
Have you noticed the scenes in the math class?

They can only do this sort of thing again three or four times tops.

"My English is not perfect, but I have to tell you, your beer is like swill to us. Do I have that right? I am saying that only a swine would drink this beer."

Any bottle with XXX on it has got to be good.

I think AS is putting everything on youtube as soon as it comes out, though I don't know about the quality.

Nitrocellulose film base or GTFO.

Dude, this new distribution system is gonna pone.

Have you tried moving to Mattoon, Illinois?

I thought Harmon was doing some kind of Sir-Mix-A-Lot thing.

Yo, I'm a flu hatin rapper.

I think he was more like, "Go ahead and have fun with my Sodomite daughters, they'll probably just sleepincestrape me anyways."

well, technically, i think that math is flawed


and that puts asses in the seats?

Wicked, bad, naughty Guy Ritchie.

Well, he is famous.

Has anyone ever read The Lyre of Orpheus? It's about putting together an Arthurian opera from a partially completed score by ETA Hoffmann. The way they decide to rewrite the libretto is fairly interesting.

…the aristocrats.

Is anyone interested in making money in Hollywood? If hiring more people was profitable, don't you think someone would be doing it?

…and the AVClub might be the wrong spot, also.