
"Why shock her when you can Spock her?"

*continues to hit tab key*

I tried hitchhiking through Washington one time and walked through the entire town of Aberdeen. What a shit hole.

*says hail mary, throws GLM's body in lake.

Wow, that line just took on an entirely different meaning for me.

Cheerio. Pop pop!

I thought everyone was looking for a distraction from the get-go, so why not get into it?

Yeah, that was the big cliffhanger for me. What happened to Garrett's pants?

Make it three-off, I just played that on the jukebox at the bar the other day.

My name was Vicki, tell my story!

Yeah, it was a pretty slick move. I like how they integrated a new technology into a plotline, then forgot about it, rather that just forgetting about it right after finding it. I thought the episode showed a good advancement in her character, more responsibility, grooming for promotion, etc.

"By the vapors of Magmorath, we will restore it."

"Locker boys, earn your M&Ms." Kind of a Warriors reference?

Plastic gold…four-legged diamonds!

This is why the English never win any sports.

What are you, an editor of Teen Vogue?

Irish cigarettes: If you want to stay healthy, don't smoke.

Didn't Beverly Crusher use a metaphasic shield to take a shuttlecraft through the corona of the star Veytan in TNG: "Suspicions"?
*adjusts nerd glasses*

No need to get excited and spill soda on your keyboard. Look, now your caps lock key is stuck.

Hey, those chairs aren't going to duct tape themselves.