
He did, but he keeps refering to the movie as It.

Well, I was going to make a BMO taking a VHS cassette in the butt joke, so consider yourself lucky.

No, he's right. You always want to exclude half of your potential customers. It's just smart business. Obviously, no one who watches the show is a fan of Prubs or Marceline.


the picture for the link from the newswire page is pretty awesome

Sterling Hayden, as always, amazing.

Fuck you The Killing! Oops, wrong thread.

Even a videogame console can take on gender roles. The controller is masculine, with its long, smooth, round cord being inserted snugly into a feminine slot.

Well, having a voice can be, in and of itself, a gender role.

She was dating Levar Burton.

Delicious mockery wrapped in well seasoned arguments…

I always thought that kind of trollery was ineffective on the AVClub because it is met with delicious mockery instead of the desired flame war.

I'm assuming he doesn't wear it all the time.

I always thought of BMO as a girl.

I don't have a problem with Spike Lee's meme, it's just doing its thing, trying to make it on this crazy ball of dirt just like everyone else.

*Spike Lee tweets that supersatanic goes down on Will Smith's massive peg*

Is that like the ookie cookie?

WW3: Die Hardest

Awesome, I've always wanted to see a genetically engineered, psionic, giant squid.