
Well I mean obviously he was going to kill Travis, so then the police couldn't really catch him.

" I know, Jesse Camp, thats because I follow him on twitter, cuz its very sad"

I request Jean Ralphio replaces Tom as Leslie's Swagger Coach

and then his epic running hop over the chair 
great stuff as always

Me so Christmas! Me so Christmas!


I heard each season will be its own standalone 'horror story' and thats how they got Lange and Britton to sign on as they only had to sign on for one season, anyone know anything more about this?

The imdb board was all over that twist, someone leaked the picture of half blown up Gus right after the penultimate episode, and they showed Tio's bell(and Gus'  obsession with him this season) in some of the promos i believe and people put two and two together
and the flower, that was quite obvious after the gun

Schmidts line of the week:
In the weakest episode yet i thing Schmidt may have had his best line yet,
"I used to listen to you and Caroline all the time in college, it was like listening to a rescue crew trying to communicate to a stranded miner, 'Are you okay?' 'yea' 'Are you okay?' 'yea'"
just the way he said yea was

I agree with that being a very strange/dull B plot with no pay off or use at all, but the main plot here was great.

This is so fantastically true

Jess from The OC and Sasha Bingham from Californication!

I really liked the Lasagna joke, and seeing Nikki Griffin(or her doppelganger) and Addison Timlin in anything is always nice, even ever so briefly

"Precisely, you bitch! I need it precisely!"

After watching the replay it wasn't as off as i thought, the coming into the theater covered in shit was still really 'meh' but then again she was hyped to see him hang dong!

Agreed, probably a B+ for me, I liked franks little rants, and Charlie's explaining that sewage was dog shit and street sludge not fully understanding what it was, that said I agree with the reviewer that everything seemed off with Dee this ep and the wall of water was dumb.
''Charlie hes my buddy, we sleep together'

Peep Show>

Blaspheming Logan Echolls is totally unacceptable

no sighting tonight, back next week though

Agreed, he continues to get the most if not only genuine laughs from me, but the writers aren't forcing him down my throat or making him a total caricature of himself that tends to be the case sometimes