
Schmidt's line of the week:
tough call as always but i'll go with
'"You used conditioner as shampoo!? Its for moisture, not for cleaning! I can't believe we're friends!"
Honorable Mentions:
"Let me get my cardigan" and "How are you going to fix a dead Schmidt?"

At least this season is so bad it doesn't make me feel as bad for kind of enjoying season 5

People on ign are all raging at the reviewer for 'spoiling' it ages ago, and imdb is as always a party

T-Dog is outsmarting everyone! If the writers forget he exists, then he can't die, genius i tell ya.

this is the true problem here in my mind

Just got renewed for 2 more seasons, get pumped


also oh god no, why does tim continue to exist

Ladies and Gentlemen, Luis fuckin Guzman!

she phoned someone and said 'its done' or some shit like that

another solid ep, Patinkin was especially good tonight I thought

they're divorced

he was way late on AHS last night too, for shame Todd!

It was so disappointing that Penny wasn't skins in twister!

Frank assaulting Charlie with a stick was sooooo good

Goldblums Vinegar Strokes took this episode to the next level.

'Basketball courts attract undesirables to my community'

Leslie has been quite annoying lately, but:
'Guess what? Terryville sucks old car tires and so does Martin Luther K… no he does not suck old car tires'

Agreed on Vanessa, good to see that she's working her way up in the world from a waitress in the pilot to working at an investing firm with Brad, with her own office no less!

after rewatching i guess she wasn't as bad as i thought