The Tha Thee

How do you not like
Funeral? And how are there people on here who heard Neon Bible before Funeral? Seriously? Do you pay no attention to music whatsoever? The problem with Suburbs is that it's long, it's a concept album, and it's kind of like Arcade Fire stripped down. Does that make them more or less pretentious? I

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Once again, the AV Club throws up a ridiculous review for artists who actually deserve to be reviewed. It sounds like the reviewer has little to no experience with any of these guys outside of Spencer's work in Wolf Parade. Nobody does art-damaged pop like Carey Mercer and Spencer

Wolves is the best song anybody's made in the last two years.

Neutral Milk Hotel is really the only band that matters. I stood next to Jeff Mangum, literally RIGHT next to his right arm so close I could smell him and all his "I've been on tour for weeks" body odor, as he played Engine in the middle of the crowd at the end of the E6 Holiday Surprise show in Columbus in October.

This is not a well written review.