

The impression I got, though, was that they're not *called* the KKK. Tessa calls them the KKK, and needs to keep explaining her joke. They don't call themselves the KKK, and nobody else at the school calls them the KKK. When she says to Malik "I can't believe you're hanging out with the KKK"  he doesn't understand and

Yeah, I really like Modern Family and I thought Free Agents was pretty
good this week. Up All Night just wasn't doing it for me, though. I
think it's probably because I've never really been cool or very
concerned with being cool - so any concerns over "losing my edge" just
blow right past me. I just don't see what's

I had exactly that thought too!!!! (But was too lazy to look up how they were credited, so thanks for that!)

Days late - but I'm not sure that Atropos is the big bad…
I just watched the episode - I'm a bit behind on my TV. I was really excited to see what the review would do, but I think that it's missing something key. I don't think we're supposed to see Atropos as the "big bad" in an unambiguous way. Yes, she's killing

I think it can be reconciled because he HAD given up the second he started working at GNB - but it was sort of a defeat, rather than a reconciliation. So after his father died, he had a big "life's too short to give up" moment - and that's why we're back here again.

Tausif Khan - I agree with what a lot of other people have said here. For me, Adam forgave Crosby because you forgive your siblings for almost anything if you are basically close to them, and since you're going to forgive them anyway at some point, you might as well do it sooner as later (I think that's the point

I like a Swedish chef/Indian-American restauranteur buddy comedy as much as the next girl…
…but part of me is stuck on the unfairness of Sudhir choose from amongst 17(?) chefs who had never cooked Indian food - at all. I mean, how hard would it be to have just one chef there who had some passing familiarity with

The snowball flight thing really worked for me. Yes Dwight's a caricature, but he's always been one.

Maybe the mystery audience is made up of Indian-Americans (and Canadians)
"I could write a long-winded screed about majority and minority viewpoints here and how offering up a few gags about how Americans are just as weird as Indians doesn't negate the fact that the Indian gags are even more offensive, but it strikes

Tonal shifts are part of life…
I signed up for AV Club so that I could comment on THIS episode. I've been waiting for the review for weeks because I loved the episode so much that I just couldn't wait to read the review. But I have to disagree with it.