The Archmage of the Aether

Dude, you rang her doorbell and just stood there. Masturbating.

You know, the collective term for internet commentors is still not fixed? The OED is oscillating between "a stain" and "a swear". I was pushing for "a gob" of online commentors, myself, but i swore i wouldn't interfere this time.

"a woman ad exec"?? what a maroon

The generational paradigm has clicked over a couple times since. Now, this iterates to "Be-er in your bunk".

I have a whole box of undershirts we can rip. A whole box.

* sniffs with disaproval*

We'd say either Sculder or Mully, but only as a pot-induced spoonerism.
Friday midnight. Come ON.

Verily, Jughead is that Leviathan who rises from the depths, insatiable, with a pointy paper hat.

Just how names like "Anderson" and "Johnson" first emerged from being the son of John or Anders, i expect 'shipping to become so popular that people start shipping their own names to name their kids. Then, some names will stick, and live on for another thousand years.

That would be the Biscuit_Beast. Nom nom, and all that.

"Trump" isn't a dick move, quite; it's using a powerful card once you are allowed to because all your weak cards of the matching suit are gone.

goddamned lesbians, always making me think

* mulls it over *

+500XP for mellow drama

classic Jarvis

Eh, Fet's just okay. He only shines in contrast to the mud from which he pokes.

Nazis, am i right

….a thousand monkeys, on a thousand typewriters….

Abd you, sir/madam, are a panderer to a non-existent gaggle of flap-clappers.