The Archmage of the Aether

This Is Like Sucking Up Except He Doesn't Even Know You Exist, Internet.

While "the Delightfully Bearded Cumberbatch", as a phrase, makes me die a little inside for at least three reasons,

i'll make a Huge Profit by Kicking Your Ass, Spam-Imp

eugh. * casts Unsee; fails *

So, fuck the part of the America that is dumb, or fuck the whole of America, which participates in dumbness? I'm getting a spell ready for you, but apparently the grammar has got to be really precise.

Sure. One Zen saying (from Unmon, about a thousand years ago, so he was pre-Zen Buddhism, but Zen Buddhism hails him as a wise fore-runner) is "The Buddha is a dried bit of turd." …well, to be frank, there's an ambiguity in the translation, and some Japanese scholars say that the characters are for "shit stick", which

It took about a thousand years for Mahayana to get swinging, and another five hundred for Tibetan Buddhism to find its mushroom trip. In the meantime —and afterwards, till today— many folk find great truth in Buddhism that has nothing to do with theistic.

To be frank, this sounds like shit. In that, to reduce "religions" to "those systems that worship God, like we Christians do, but by other names", is to reduce religion and spirituality to mere theism.

Worst. "Great Job, Internet". Ever.

Those are d4 +Str Bite faces of i ever saw 'em.

When your bite is 3d8+10 +Str you can eschew tailored pants.

* grants +75% to odds of this happening, just for fun *

It becomes much less expensive to buy islands and get permissions from banks and governments if you go to every meeting flanked by two smartly-dressed Velociraptors clad in well-tailored Versace suits.


"It's actually a duodecology. You forgot the fourth dimension: Time."

I read this book in Laos, one month. I thought it was… okay.

It's shaped like a baby pumpkin! …it's at least 'noteworthy'.

He was as generous as he was talented, though, and as the Duration of those Spells were "concentration +d6 Rounds", he'd keep his mind focussed for as long as need be. For us.

I was sitting, quietly waiting for Duke Nukem 3D to get released the next year. I was patient, i knew how much of my future winter hibernations would be spent with it.

um, Gary, dude was a 17th Level Metallomancer. The pity is that he was less than a month away from 18th Level, and 9th Level Spells.