The Archmage of the Aether

Somebody peed in it.

He also got generous XPs.

Well, judging from that photo…..

I think the cold / dark /death side includes Arya's new friends, whatever Qyburn is up to, Bran's new Master, whatever happened to Valyria, and maybe the Stone Men.

Less of a Maul, more of a Pick.

Think of huge spiritual Light / Darkness hot / cold dualism, but the two deities in question are Neutral Evil and Chaotic Evil.


…i thought it said "Sorry, i'm keeping her for longer"

"Benjamin West was asked to paint the signing of the Treaty Of Paris, which ended the Revolutionary War, but the British delegates refused to pose out of shame"

Ugh. Thank Tlazolteotl these series stopped before they had crossover mega-mysteries.

Bleak Playhouse

Poor Rob Ford. "First you wouldn't sell me crack from the Loblaw's, then you get pissed i bought from a dealer in an alley! Make up your minds, people"

Foucault's Paddleball

Ah, Loblaws. Is there anything they wouldn't sell?

I think it's time we stop pinning our collective and individual crimes on ElDan. He did what he did, once, and he apologized via magazine-snipping note.

Twenty years ago, were they reading that mystery series about the investigating Priest / Detective? Or that other series, about the medaeval Monk / Detective? Crap.

Imaginary daughter, yes, but a real girl. Seriously, dude, it's been a month. Let her go.

I always wondered about children's books. Do they start out as adult books? But the author rereads and thinks, "too simple" or "too much rhyming" and decides to call the other publisher?

Nobody respects you for your pride, son.