The Archmage of the Aether

….and string them from the middle branches of trees, where they will remain forever a mute testimonial to lost love, like spiderweb shadows against the November sky

….it would be cool if they rhymed.

* casts Speak with Dead; slowly shakes head in negation *

Well, for me the difference between being 945 and 955 years old doesn't really make such a huge difference to my perspective, and i must concur that The Onion isn't half as funny as it used to be. The videos i find to be particularly painful.

Man… delacate matter, eh?

It is. I wasn't defending it, i was just saying that, next to the absolute shittiness of the occupation and the settlements, a 19th century -esque divorce law is merely middlingly shitty. Because, again, dead children, cheering civilians, American arms, Canadian cheerleaders.

I only read articles on Yahoo for the comments. Because i hate all you Humans, and occasionally i feel to remind myself why.

[whispers] …i was…i'm… Rasputin…
…oh, i can't fool you, Pops, it was me. The Archmage.

"A cow!!"
"A female cow!!!!"

"…erm, shall i 'tickle the Queen', m'lady?"
* waggles eyebrows *

His charm was mostly being a romance-attempting Brit, in a time when America thought middle-class Brits to be utterly sexless and gormless when it comes to seduction and the like.

I think her likeness signed the contract in her absence. Funny thing is, her likeness is over twice as smart as she is.

Yeah, but they're also bombing babies. Domestically, sorta.

Well, the problem with the six-stat system is that "Charisma" covers many parts of attractiveness, and while, say, 17 Charisma might mean "an middling-to-ugly person with certain expressive qualities that might lead you to not ignore them, like Ron Perlman or Rhea Perlman, or Adam Scott-Perlman", or it might mean "a

It's a middling problem, hardly the worst domestic problem Israel has. With 90% of the population not-Orthodox, but the Orthodoxy in control of things like marriage and divorce, within a generation there's going to be a radical shift in all that.

Government also has no place in the criticism or censorship of film. Then again, as the Scion of Chaos, i firmly hold that the role of the government begins and ends with ensuring the safety and quality of my meat products.

Somebody's been rewatching The Sopranos.

The part in her hair has shifted significantly since 1967; now, it basically seems like a single wave of hair, held back with a scrunchie that will never release its grip, regardless of the fluctuating socio-environmental context.

Yes, it was, um… weak sauce.